konačni cilj svih oglašivača i promotori je kako bi se osiguralo da proizvodi i usluge prodavati i za povećanje prodaje i potencijalnih interesa potrošača stvara znatiželja je prvi kratkoročni korak, a uvođenje novih proizvoda na tržište. Zadržavanje kupaca interes je drugačiji i zahtijeva ballgame ugled marke, kvaliteta proizvoda, cijene i pravo i dalje visoke kvalitete oglašavanja u konačnici bi se osiguralo uspjeh proizvoda.
...about why it is important to understand mass psychology and the psychological process of cognition for any successful advertising endeavor ...
...about why it is important to understand mass psychology and the psychological process of cognition for any successful advertising endeavor ...
...about why it is important to understand mass psychology and the psychological process of cognition for any successful advertising endeavor ...
......advertising is a form of glorifying or gaining publicity for goods and merchandise from very early times. In fact, advertising is about as informal concept of early civilizations and former methods of oral advertising or claiming the benefits of products verbally when merchants sold goods directly to people on the streets. But with the advent of paper and writing, advertising is a more formal shape.
......advertising is a form of glorifying or gaining publicity for goods and merchandise from very early times. In fact, advertising is about as informal concept of early civilizations and former methods of oral advertising or claiming the benefits of products verbally when merchants sold goods directly to people on the streets. But with the advent of paper and writing, advertising is a more formal shape.
......Egyptians and Greeks used the papyrus for advertising and rock painting has also been used. Advertise in English in magazines as we know today dates from the late 17th century and newspaper advertising in America began during the first half of the 18th century with advertisements for estates. With the growth of mass media and various forms and ways of communication such as radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, and of course the internet in the 20 century, advertising started becoming an important aspect for commercialization of the product. People began to understand the potential and it became a commercial business with the establishment of an advertising agency with the first advertising agency in the United States was opened in 1841st
......In the advertising business in itself, methods of using advertisements became even more formalized, controlled and systematic advertisements for products started appearing as newspaper ads, on billboards, hoardings, as handbills, leaflets, on magazines, newspapers , on television and radio as commercials, and more recently on the Internet. Web advertising is now a very powerful way to get messages across to customers. But actually attract customers, advertising will have to work in accordance with the principles of psychology and sociology. So advertisers and Advertising Professional will also have to be a sociologist and a psychologist really have an impact on the minds of consumers.
......Once attention is drawn to the colors and sounds or words, the focus is on retaining consumer interests by association '. Topics or products segment of customers could connect with that used for baby food, mothers and babies are presented so that the organization will have more to do with the importance and context ads. Certain colors also have associative value and certain brands and companies use a specific color to promote their products. For example easygroup uses orange and Vodafone uses red color standard for all oglašavanja.Logotip company or symbol is also part of developing the brand and helps in providing brand identity and has a strong associative value.
...Association shall be such that not only serves the purpose of quick understanding and perceptions of consumers, but also retained in their memory for a long time. Thus memory or retention is an important aspect of the psychology of advertising as the only advertising that consumers can easily remember for a long time for the news or the use of words, colors and numbers will be most effective.
...recognized brand in terms of its name, its quality and reputation with advertisements these days highlighting the uniqueness of the brand. For example, HSBC recent advertisements across airports around the world, focus on different points of view and different likes and preferences of people in all cultures. So when you see such advertisements showing two different perspectives of the same thing, you know this is HSBC. Certain brands develop taglines or motto that sets the brand apart and gives a distinct character.
...recognized brand in terms of its name, its quality and reputation with advertisements these days highlighting the uniqueness of the brand. For example, HSBC recent advertisements across airports around the world, focus on different points of view and different likes and preferences of people in all cultures. So when you see such advertisements showing two different perspectives of the same thing, you know this is HSBC. Certain brands develop taglines or motto that sets the brand apart and gives a distinct character.
......You may have wondered why models look lifeless on fashion shows. Fashion shows are usually arranged for designer brands selling clothes and accessories and usually these fashion shows try to emphasize the clothes and that is why models tend to be rather 'expressionless. "Although this project fashion show clothes without emoting, in case of advertising, the terms are widely used because through visual medium, emotions have to be transported through the screen to create the effect of consumers. Putting across the message through the medium of challenge and advertisers use emotions widely to help people retain the message that describes the product.
......Whatever it is, the mantra is to create an impact and lasting effect on the mind potrošača.Poruka products, motorcycle brand and the mind of consumers, and the three Ms that are important in advertising.
......However, it is important to understand that advertising will have to be different for different media. Radio ads should focus on the power of sounds and words, internet ads will focus on the visuals and colors, newspaper ads will focus on space and topics, and TV ads would focus more on emotions and context. Using motion, capitalized letters, contrasting colors etc are all important and in order to draw attention to the product, some form of emphasis has also been done.
......How all this affects the masses, consumers will actually buy the product? In addition to drawing attention to the process, keeping the production of sounds and words that help memory and associative value of products and advertisements, there is another factor that is the necessity of the consumer. Advertising is not just enough, as a buyer purchases a product driven to a large extent due to the necessity, quality, features and price.
...How all this affects the masses, consumers will actually buy the product? In addition to drawing attention to the process, keeping the production of sounds and words that help memory and associative value of products and advertisements, there is another factor that is the necessity of the consumer. Advertising is not just enough, as a buyer purchases a product driven to a large extent due to the necessity, quality, features and price.
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