Također, to nikada nije poželjno da aktivno poticati korisnike da klikaju na vaš banner, na primjer, pisanje riječi "Kliknite ovdje" ili slično. To je uglavnom zbog toga što su s treperi oglasa, većina korisnika interneta povezuju ovaj tekst spam oglašavanje, što znači da će biti vrlo vjerojatno da kliknete na banner sadrže ovaj tekst.
...Konačno, jedan od najvažnijih dijelova banner oglas je Alternativna (ili ALT) tekst koji se nalazi unutar web HTML kod. To je zato što ovaj tekst je prikazan na bilo koji korisnik koji ne mogu prikazati sliku iz nekog razloga, tj. oni su na sporoj vezi kao što je koji se koristi na nekim mobilnim telefonima.
...One of the best ways to advertise a product or service, and also one of the most popular, the banner advertising. Banners can come in all shapes and sizes, which means that they are flexible and can be adjusted to accommodate the needs of users.
...Most people would consider as a 468x60 banner ad image, so this article will focus on a particular size and type of banner.
...key to making a good ad is to focus the attention of many users as possible on your ad, while at the same time, the content is interesting to potential viewers.
...A good way to do this is that the black background on it, because it will keep the user focus on the middle of the banner. Also, using contrasting colors, ie white text, it can also greatly help the click-through rate of your ad.
...A good way to do this is that the black background on it, because it will keep the user focus on the middle of the banner. Also, using contrasting colors, ie white text, it can also greatly help the click-through rate of your ad.
...This is usually not a good idea to flash as a banner ad. This is due to the fact that many Internet users to connect them with spam pop-ups and find them very uncomfortable. As a result, they rarely click on those ads.
...However, it is a good idea, but highly recommended, that the slide show the impact of the ad, which means that effectively, you can have multiple banners advertising a product within a single picture.
......The same applies to the overly bright color schemes. For example, it is a very bad idea to yellow background and white text on a banner, because it is not only almost impossible to read, it can also have negative effects on the viewers eyesight.
......There should be a minimum amount of text on oglas.Ključ for getting the right balance for the amount of text on a banner to put enough text to make users want to know more, and thus get them to click on the banner.
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