JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -Vice Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Mulyadi said, the construction of flats by the Ministry of Housing lot which is not exactly so that needs to be reviewed from various aspects. He also criticized the Kemenpera because it uses the Fund BUDGET to the construction of flats is not for the community, but rather employees of government agencies.
"The construction of flats TNI/Polri nor CIVIL SERVANTS should not be carried out by Kemenpera. It should be done by the Ministry or institution, respectively, by filing its own budget. So, instead of using budget housing, but is used for the other institutions and not for the general public, "he said here on Friday (25/8/2011).
He proposed that the existing flats and is located in the center of the city to be rejuvenated.
"The Central Government building, the local government provides its land. The land provided local Government certainly usually far from the city centre. Whereas it should be built in the middle of town, but due to the limitations of the land it was built on the edge of the city, "he said.
Whereas, further Mulyadi, many old flats in the middle of the city which was to be rejuvenated.
"That's all dismantled, rebuilt taller and better so that it can accommodate more residents," he said.
This resulted in the need for public housing nor never can be met. On the other hand, the various development projects flats that have been conducted shall not be utilized to its full potential.
"The construction of flats many don't right on target. Many residents who need housing so far haven't been able to met their needs, while many flats project which until now has not been exploited at all and empty, "said Mulyadi.
He exemplifies the flats in Marunda built along between the Central Government and the Government of Jakarta as many as 11 tower which until recently was not also inhabited and empty it.
"It's a pity, in the Central Government budget limitations and needs of the public housing flats are still not settled," he said.
In addition, according to him, the flats have also awakens the average is not well maintained. The Central Government as well as areas just build it without thinking about the care and maintenance of fixed cost.
"Kemenpera only built only then handing over flats to local government, while local Government does not have sufficient maintenance funds operasioanal. Hence, do not be surprised many flats age 5 was much damaged and not well maintained. Maintenance costs are high, let alone her treatment as treatment of structure damage, "he said.
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