Let's look at some of the mystery out of practice.
One of the most important aspects of the wrong process is the difference between: marketing, advertising and sales:
marketing: the total collection of tools used to build your business. Marketing has one goal - to drive customers through the process of observing your business, buy from your business, enjoying the products or services your business is successful enough to tell your friends and family and come back for more, if applicable
Some of the tools of marketing are:
1 Advertising
2 Public Relations
3 Direct Mail
4 Personal selling
5 Internet
6 Print Promotions
7 Education
Advertising: Advertising can not sell their audience, it is a tool similar to the male ostrich tail, his job is to get you noticed for certain things you do well. Advertising promotes the distinguishing features, advantages and benefits of their bids for the broad market. The goal of advertising is to bring in valuable leads for the sales process to take place.
I sold Yellow Pages advertising entrepreneur who initially thought that Yellow Pages ads brought a lot of calls that had just been shopping around. They did not want to waste time with "Looky toilets ".
I sold Yellow Pages advertising entrepreneur who initially thought that Yellow Pages ads brought a lot of calls that had just been shopping around. They did not want to waste time with "Looky toilets ".
...I sold Yellow Pages advertising entrepreneur who initially thought that Yellow Pages ads brought a lot of calls that had just been shopping around. They did not want to waste time with "Looky toilets ".
......If someone has the time to get a phone call or send e-mail regarding your product or service, why treat them with contempt? These people are looking for real answers to their problems. More importantly, each of them knows about 250 other people personally. Every opportunity to make a connection or sale should be treated as equally important.
......Sale: Once advertising has attracted a potential buyer, the sale process takes. This is done by or for sale or use of the purchase of materials (eg, store, display, video demonstration, etc.). Sales should come into play after the prospect has been established that the right of the product or service.
......mystery and confusion begins when a business owner must decide what tools to use in the process of acquiring customers. To whom would you advertise? Where do you advertise and why? How to advertise? What kind of return should I expect on my advertising program? When can I use other tools of marketing to bolster my advertising program? What we should be the ratio between advertising and sales?
......to whom you should advertise? Let's be very clear about this one. You should never put one dollar on advertising until you know who you will eventually sell your product or service. You should not even be in business if you have no idea who you want to do business s.
......marketing is used to identify your ideal market. Of course, you May not get 100% of their ideal market, but if you know who will probably benefit from what you have to sell or service, you can get more of them.
......For example, if you're a chiropractor in the big city, your ideal market might be a couple in their late 40's to early 60's that're health conscious and active. They are looking to stay in shape and are open to CAM (complimentary and alternative medicine.). May they have an unfavorable view of the current healthcare system and want to take a proactive approach to maintaining health. Thus, for example, after identifying the ideal market to identify 15,000 of them in their regional market. So, now you have 15,000 likely prospects to on a regular basis.
......where to advertise and why? If you would like to find a 34-year-old Buddhist from Cambodia, where should you look for one? Question May seem a little silly, but you know it would not start going to all mosque in the area.
...where to advertise and why? If you would like to find a 34-year-old Buddhist from Cambodia, where should you look for one? Question May seem a little silly, but you know it would not start going to all mosque in the area.
......must, of course, choose your ads target program based on how you intend to prospects likely to see your message. If a local health club in your area has the demographics of the membership of over 3,000 45-65 years of age, you might want to advertise in their monthly newsletter. If they do not have a newsletter, you May want a sponsor for them.
......Remember the "best place to go fishing where the fish are biting." Take time to know about your target audience and their purchasing habits.
......How do I advertise? Imagine that your very expensive Mercedes break down and the mechanic says that your fuel pump. He should change it so that the blow torch and cut through the hood, crack open the engine block, and then replace the fuel pump. Once he did, he would weld all the pieces back together and get your vehicle back to you.
......will give you the right man to go to work on your vehicle? Of course you would. Once you determine what you do, you must be careful about how to make a decision.
......goal now is to figure out the best way to reach all or most of these 15 000 ideal look.
...Will be compared results from repeated exposure to the newsletter health club where they will have a captive audience and no competition?
...There is no reason not to use both Yellow Pages and on the newsletter health club if they pull their weight economically. The goal of advertising is to gain valuable leads for the sales process to take place.
...What should I expect to return on my advertising program? My answer to my clients to this question is usually a shocker, the answer is a big fat zero (0). As a business owner to spend so much money on advertising and expect no money in return?
...This is based on confusion between the marketing, advertising and sales. Advertising is the value of the marketing mix in lead generation. When properly used, as such, measuring its effectiveness is in how leads are generated.
...This is why it is so important to distinguish between various marketing tools. If our chiropractor had 20 leads come every day from their ad campaigns, and the reception had a poor conversion ratio, I bet you would not blame your ad is not pulling in more customers.
...Gauge your response when quantifying the results of advertising. Measure the number of leads coming and adjust ad copy to test for better results.
...When you can use other tools of marketing to bolster my advertising program? Advertising must not be used alone. Keep in mind that the average adult has to deal with more than 2700 messages a day from all media types.
...When you can use other tools of marketing to bolster my advertising program? Advertising must not be used alone. Keep in mind that the average adult has to deal with more than 2700 messages a day from all media types.
......marketing should be viewed as a combined effort of the minds and hearts of your target market. You should use at least five of the seven tools of marketing every week. Depending on the age of your business and a business plan and budget should be 10 to 15% of your annual income is estimated to marketing. If you just open the door for the past five years, crank it up to 20%. There's a reason why Pepsi and Coca-Cola to spend more than 400 million every year to satisfy their shareholders bottom line.
......What we should be the ratio between advertising and sales? Think about the relationship between advertising and sales as one free. If your advertising generates a large number of bids, to adapt their sales strategies to convert at least 30% of their bids during the recording of all leads to a systematic follow-up.
......Note that at any given time, 3% of your market is willing to commit to your product or uslugu.Cilj is first converted 3% of its water. Then work on sale for those who are on the fence. Whether through personal selling, direct marketing, point of purchase or sale, your relationship will be determined by several factors, offer, product or service and the urgent need for perspective and, of course, price.
......Do not get too anal about omjerima.Najvažnija thing to remember is that marketing is an inexact science. You'll need to keep testing and trying to get better results in the market changes.
......Set the value of new customer value and lifespan of their clients. Once you do, make sure that your marketing efforts bring enough new business to cover the cost of getting new clients and their sales efforts to cover the costs of keeping you in business.
......Tweak the numbers and follow up consistently. If your marketing budget estimated $ 37,500 a year, and your estimated income is $ 250,000 then you have a standard starting point.
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