Da zaključimo, banner oglašavanje još uvijek je korisno kada ga koristite pravilno. A banner oglase razmjena je jedan od najboljih načina da se promet iz banner besplatno. Međutim, budite oprezni kada odaberete Vaš web-mjesto bannera na. Zato sljedeći put kada to učinite banner oglašavanje, sjetite se strategija oko će biti od pomoći.
The banner ads are always useful?
The banner ads are always useful?
...My answer is that if you use it properly. In fact, compared with a new advertising methods such as PPC and SEO, cost per click banner ads was significantly lower than PPC, and the effort of creating banners is much less than doing SEO. Moreover, well-designed, creative ad banner can attract people's eyes in comparison to plain text banner also. And you can also get this banner designs in a very low price. Therefore, banner ads will still be around for quite a long time on the internet.
...banner ads exchange
banner ads exchange
...banner ads exchange
......banner exchange between two different sites can drive good traffic to your site without paying any money. However, not all websites are created equally. In other words, even if you put the same banner in two similar sites, the volume and quality of traffic can be very different. This may be because the content of one page is better than another. Therefore, before any banner exchange, doing research on your target web page is very important.
......to find a good web site to place the banner?
......Here are some steps to make the site survey. First, you can go to your competitors website and see if they have any display ads. If you have Google AdSense on your website, then you can put your banner in the Google content network, and specific to just put the banner on a web page. If they do not have a Google AdSense, if you try to find a place banner ads for rent, and even skip the web pages.
......you place your banner on their website for one week, and see how many people come through this banner are converted into their water or even a customer. Then in another place and do the same thing.
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