Da bi se izbjeglo FTC ispitivanju oglašivači moraju imati mogućnost da potkrijepiti svoje tvrdnje o proizvodu i atributa ili performanse kroz "razumnu osnovu."Oglašivač koji tvrdi njihov proizvod "ubija klice koje uzrokuju prehlade i gripe," ili "potiče £ 25 mršavljenja u jednom tjednu" moraju skupiti dovoljno dokaza za tvrdnje valjanosti, obično prije nego što je tiskana oglasa ili emitiranja. Ako prigovor je napravljen da FTC u vezi točnosti reklame tvrde, ftc će procijeniti opravdanost oglašivača obrazloženja kako bi utvrdili je li to služi javnom interesu.Razuman temelj nauk odnosi na hranu, lijekove, uređaja i kozmetike, jer njihov učinak na javnost je izravna i njihova upotreba može ugroziti život.
The role of advertising in our free market society in order to develop products that meet consumer demands and encourage the effective price competition. Advertising informs consumers about the availability of products, their features, and price information. Such information is vital to our competitive process. Advertisers using unfair business practices in order to gain an unfair advantage over their competitors and to seduce potrošača.Sljedeći essay discusses common types of fraudulent acts and practices involved and the federal government agency that regulates advertisers. Government regulation provides the delicate balance between the free business and consumer protection.
...The role of advertising in our free market society in order to develop products that meet consumer demands and encourage the effective price competition. Advertising informs consumers about the availability of products, their features, and price information. Such information is vital to our competitive process. Advertisers using unfair business practices in order to gain an unfair advantage over their competitors and to seduce potrošača.Sljedeći essay discusses common types of fraudulent acts and practices involved and the federal government agency that regulates advertisers. Government regulation provides the delicate balance between the free business and consumer protection.
......companies rely on advertising as a vital communication tool to reach potential consumers. Important information about the company and product features to convey to consumers in an attempt to offer them products that meet their needs and wishes. In addition to newspapers, radio and television, the laws governing the advertising is also covered by the signs, posters, brochures, pictures or emblems, and directly or oral advertisements to consumers. To a certain degree of advertising is protected by our courts under the "commercial free speech" guidelines. However, the information passed on the consumers must be perceived as a "true" to be protected from arbitrary government intrusion.
......Generally an act or practice is considered unfair if it causes injury to consumers, injuries to public policy or when it is based on the immoral, unethical or unscrupulous nature prakse.Dobar example of how advertising leads to injuries to consumers when it was regulators decided it was unfair for the cigarette manufacturers to omit the health risks of smoking. This has led to legislation requiring health warnings cigarette advertising.
......Generally an act or practice is considered unfair if it causes injury to consumers, injuries to public policy or when it is based on the immoral, unethical or unscrupulous nature prakse.Dobar example of how advertising leads to injuries to consumers when it was regulators decided it was unfair for the cigarette manufacturers to omit the health risks of smoking. This has led to legislation requiring health warnings cigarette advertising.
......Federal Trade Commission, the federal government body that regulates, monitors and challenges advertising claims are believed to be illegally obmanjujuće.FTC uses the following criteria when determining the challenge of advertising representation:
......1) ad makes the team, there are omissions, or use a practice that is likely to mislead potrošača.Zastupanje can be explicit (literal claim) or implicitly (indirectly or conclusion) in the ad.
......3) representation, omission, or practice materijala.FTC assesses the extent to which the issue ads affect the behavior or purchasing uzoraka.Zastupanje, omission, or practice is material when the behavior or purchasing patterns are affected.
......FTC has the power to punish offending companies that compromise deceptive advertising regulations. There are various kinds of drugs and the sanctions available to the FTC law enforcement. Such remedies and sanctions are the following:
......Cease and desist order - prohibits companies from engaging in an act or practice which is found to be misleading ....
Special publication of orders - the company is forbidden from what is a request in the future without further publication ....
Corrective advertising - forces the advertiser to the state in all future advertising that the specific allegations in the past were false ....
More products in order - applies to all future advertising of all products sold companies ....
Consent Order - The company agrees to cease certain activities without admit wrong doing ....
Consent Order - The company agrees to cease certain activities without admit wrong doing .......
The main goal of FTC is to increase the accuracy of product information available to consumers. They do this by imposing regulations on a specific advertising practices such as,. False demonstrations, certificate or statement, on the basis of price promotions, advertisements related to credit availability, and product labeling
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