Sjeti se, ako je vaš cilj napisati catchy i poznati reklamni slogan koji će držati u vašem kupca um i pogon svoje poslovanje dalje, to bi trebao biti pametan i jedinstvenu, relevantnu za Vašu tvrtku i brand i aludirati na tvrtka je glavna prednosti na jednostavan i uvjerljiv način.
What is the advertising slogan that catapults to fame? There are some slogans that everyone seems to know by heart and millions of others who have come and gone, and hardly noticed. So, what is a successful one with the other not? Well, here are the top 10 most famous advertising slogans in the past hundred years, and the first three traits that make advertising slogan so effective.
...Top 10 Famous Advertising Slogan:
...1 - De Beers' diamonds are forever "
...3 - M & M: "M & M melt in your mouth, not in the hands of"
4 - Miller Lite "tastes great, less filling"
5 - Avis "We try to"
6 - Maxwell House "Good to the last drop"
7 - Wheaties, "Breakfast of Champions"
8 - Clairol: "Whether or not ... It ?"
9 - Morton Salt: "When it rains, it pours"
10 - Wendy's "Where's the beef ?"
Top 3 ways to make your ad slogan on the List of Famous Advertising Slogan:
Top 3 ways to make your ad slogan on the List of Famous Advertising Slogan:
...1 - Make Your slogan memorable: top way to make your advertising slogan has been known to make sure it is memorable, either by:
...-alliteration: repeat the first letter in all or most words phrases, ie: jaguar slogan is ".. Do not Dream It Drive"
...-coined words. "Innervigoration" make a word to people who are sure to remember, such as Louis Vuitton's "Epileather", or Gordon's and tonic
...-puns: a clever pun in the slogan is sure to be memorable, such as Moss securities, "disturbed and should be ."
?...-puns: a clever pun in the slogan is sure to be memorable, such as Moss securities, "disturbed and should be ."
? ......2 - brand recall: One of the best features of an effective, well-known advertising is the inclusion of brands in the slogan, usually with a rhyme, such as: "My God, my Guinness "or" not only is the book, Thomas Cook is ."
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