KOMPAS.com – who did not like the presence of the Park in his home? Almost everyone loves it because it touches a refreshing green eyes, as well as oxygen production plant in the garden would provide many benefits. The thing is, there is a bump with the limitations of the land, or lazy, take care of him. Thus, the Park was removed. Garden care and diligence of the Kris do require keluangan time in particular.
Well, if the problem is a limitation of the land, there are many creative ways have been developed. Like the plant in a pot, hanging plants, vertical garden. However, if the reason is because of the reluctance to take care of the garden while having enough land area, the idea of making dry garden can be an option!
Dry garden is a garden in house replacement alternative Park "wet". Wet is to say, the plant was in touch directly with the ground with care as regular watering. The park like this can be created by placing materials like natural stones, gravel, coral instead of grass. Then place your plant and garden lamp complete, then so be it dry garden.
For his job could be in some areas such as in the dining room, adjacent to the kitchen, next to the living room, as well as a park in the rear area near the area of services. Well, for just the right plants for arid gardens, suggested strong plant with plenty of sun exposure, do not have to routinely watered every day, and has sufficient moisture. Like Aglonema, Diffen, Pandanus Palm yellow, Bali, Anthurium, different types of cactus and the tongue-in-law. In order to further increase the Park exotica, add accessories such as a park bench, a unique pot, shower of bamboo, and much more.
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