To se može reći, jer lažni ideja postoji da je trošak oglašavanja se uzima iz dobiti. Postoje čak i neke poslovne osobe koje se zavaravati u mjeri u kojoj oni govore potrošnje na oglašavanje 'što oni mogu priuštiti ", kao da je žrtva, donacija ili nešto što bi moglo izbjeći, kada je u stvari, da bi dobit, ne mogu priuštiti da ne oglašavati, ili barem usvojiti neki oblik uvjeravanja prodaje za poticanje djelovanja.
Before discussing the advertising costs and the factors that affect its price, before going on to discuss ways of arriving at a budget cost to advertise, let us face it quite frankly that perennial question: who pays for advertising? Reply to this question is one of the keys to determining expenditure on advertising.
...Before discussing the advertising costs and the factors that affect its price, before going on to discuss ways of arriving at a budget cost to advertise, let us face it quite frankly that perennial question: who pays for advertising? Reply to this question is one of the keys to determining expenditure on advertising.
...Before discussing the advertising costs and the factors that affect its price, before going on to discuss ways of arriving at a budget cost to advertise, let us face it quite frankly that perennial question: who pays for advertising? Reply to this question is one of the keys to determining expenditure on advertising. any business, there are only three persons, or groups of people who can pay to run the business and making a profit. They are the investors, which include banks that allow overdraft and suppliers who provide credit, business people can use their own capital, plus the income they earn, and those who buy their goods or services. If a job fails, investors will succeed and the effective pay bills through their own losses. If a business fails to get anyone and everyone is happy.
...If the product is easily sold, the price of each unit to promote slightly. But if the new, expensive or difficult product to sell, advertising cost per unit will be high.
......Assuming that the products or services sold, the buyer bears the cost of advertising. However, if the goods remain unsold, despite the money spent on advertising, advertising cost back to the manufacturer or distributor who failed to make the necessary sales and so pass or recover their costs plus a profit. Even if he sells at a discounted price, and lost income, he still seeks to recover its costs.
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