world economy is, of course, all about buying and selling and as such advertising is the blood of the economy. SMEs still tend to adopt more traditional forms of advertising, such as directories, newspapers, radio ads, etc. as well as (mostly) inexpensive in relation to their marketing budgets.
...However, national and global brands with more than one million pounds & P budgets are increasingly looking for more creative and innovative ways to promote and excel in an increasingly competitive market.
......Take a popular American magazine Entertainment Weekly, for example, who made his debut video advertising in the 9th September edition of the tiles thin screens built into the site to promote the CBS TV shows and Pepsi. Trick or not, it demonstrated a corporate desire to innovate and appear current.
......of the traditional advertising model will be around for a long time yet, but clearly the future of advertising lies in digital media. Google executive, Nikesh Arora, who recently said, "People are changing their spending dollars more and more in the online world - whether it be direct marketing, advertising, branding, or to follow the logic of industrial marketing, and that is that you must go where the eyes are where are the customers. "This is connected with the fact that advertisers digital ad platform for accurate tracking performance, which is something online advertising always struggled with.
......Dooh (Digital Out Of Home) advertising is an up and coming area with some really innovative concepts are being developed. French marketing technology company Quividi in the development of digital advertising displays that are built into the camera to immediately identify the passer-by age and gender using facial recognition system, and then delivers a product that feels appropriate - the Minority Report
...So, what in the online world?
...So, what in the online world?
...With more than 400 million active users on Facebook, the channel has the potential advertisers wet dream, especially as Facebook offers advertisers the ability to reach targeted audiences and engaged through Facebook Ads. These ads are targeted to users based on their likes and interests, and of his search, and although still in its infancy, companies are now investigating and trialling campaigns work to effectively leverage Facebook ads into their online spend.
...in-game advertising:
...Following the initial rush to advertising in "virtual worlds" such as 'SecondLife'. Advertisers starting to really understand the benefits of advertising in the gaming community and be very creative. For example, Zygna (creator of Farmville) with a current valuation of $ 4 billion offer new approach to in-game advertising encouraging the user to 'interact with advertisements "at the end of brands tasks such as filing in the form of videos or to be rewarded with a' virtual currency "used in their game.
...Following the initial rush to advertising in "virtual worlds" such as 'SecondLife'. Advertisers starting to really understand the benefits of advertising in the gaming community and be very creative. For example, Zygna (creator of Farmville) with a current valuation of $ 4 billion offer new approach to in-game advertising encouraging the user to 'interact with advertisements "at the end of brands tasks such as filing in the form of videos or to be rewarded with a' virtual currency "used in their game.
......Twitter has finally released its first money-making investment through advertising, with its 'Promoted Tweets'. Twitter is teemed with the number of business partners such as Disney / Pixar Starbucks and allowing them to be "promoted tweet" on top "trending topic" on the results page, with a view to rolling 'promoted tweets' from across the live interviews after better understanding of user experience and advertiser value.
...Twitter has finally released its first money-making investment through advertising, with its 'Promoted Tweets'. Twitter is teemed with the number of business partners such as Disney / Pixar Starbucks and allowing them to be "promoted tweet" on top "trending topic" on the results page, with a view to rolling 'promoted tweets' from across the live interviews after better understanding of user experience and advertiser value.
......Twitter measurement of this first phase, "promoted tweets" to ensure that they are useful for visitors (resonance). Whether 'resonate' with customers will be measured by how users interact with them, retweet them, etc. Twitter said he was "Promoted Tweets' that does not resonate with customers will be allowed to continue. With more than 4 billion Tweets posted in the first quarter of 2010 alone, this is definitely one to keep an eye on and I'll be watching this space with interest.
......Mobile ad spend rose by a third to 32% between 2008 and 2009, with brands from the entertainment, media and telecommunications sectors, spending the largest amount in the medium, according to the IAB and PricewaterhouseCoopers.Velika Britain has spent 36.7M UK in 2009, despite the contraction in the advertising market as a whole.
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