To do list tvrtkama kako bi se osiguralo da oni ostaju relevantne i zadržati razbijanje vijesti, tako da oni držati privlačenje oglašivača. U isto vrijeme oni bi trebali gledati proširiti na druge avenues ostati odnose na sve naraštaje čitatelja.
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21 The World Newspaper Advertising Conference held recently in Malta. From February 24 to 25 experts share their knowledge and experience with more than 200 delegates from around the world. It was organized by CODE-WAN (World Association of newspapers and news publishers), and included such topics as the importance of print advertising in the digital world, cross-media advertising strategies, and tablets.
...One of the most encouraging messages coming out of the conference was that newspaper advertising still plays an important role in the overall advertising market. It seems that despite all the attention gets digital advertising newspaper advertising revenue is still promising. It is important, however, that newspaper companies can not ignore digital oglašavanje.Najučinkovitija strategy is to embrace multi-media approach.
...One of the most encouraging messages coming out of the conference was that newspaper advertising still plays an important role in the overall advertising market. It seems that despite all the attention gets digital advertising newspaper advertising revenue is still promising. It is important, however, that newspaper companies can not ignore digital oglašavanje.Najučinkovitija strategy is to embrace multi-media approach.
......One of the speakers, Anders Berglund, Sales Director of the Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet, said: "The majority of revenues are still connected to printed products - you can still do a lot of money from the press is important. A focus on interesting new launches and new products, but also further develop the established products ."
......, founder and CEO, Byrne Partnership in the UK, said it was important for newspapers and advertisers to distinguish between fashion and trendove.Implikacija that digital advertising is currently in vogue, but newspaper advertising is and will continue to be successful trend. Byrne goes so far as to say that print advertising will dominate the future as more people consistently read newspapers from news on the Internet.
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