Ako ne imati bilo koji način mjerenja promotivne aktivnosti u izravnu vezu na prodaju, zašto onda ste troši svoj novac na to?
You can receive calls from radio, newspapers, directories and printing company reps to anything I say that the 'best' option of advertising you could possibly buy. Add to this the requirements for the sponsor of your local golf or bowls club and that it gets very confusing on how to spend its limited promotional dollars.
...for financial services companies, most of the above prove to be ineffective. This is not an industry that is responding well to the main advertising. So how do you spend your money? Here are some proven tips that will help with this.
...for financial services companies, most of the above prove to be ineffective. This is not an industry that is responding well to the main advertising. So how do you spend your money? Here are some proven tips that will help with this.
......First, it is six times easier to sell something to an existing customer than to get a new customer. So, when you consider that the goal of advertising is also hitting existing customers? They could act as investors, others who read the advertisement, or to answer as to talk about something that has yet to buy from you.
......Second, Split your promotional dollars as follows: 40% to get more sales from existing customers, 40% of the profit from selling other people's clients (ie those of an accountant) and 20% in order to get new customers through advertising . Thus, only awarded 20% of your total cost for media advertising.
......Thirdly, as many say, the more you sell. Do not be afraid of long titles, long letters, and the long commercials. Do not believe me? One list an ad placed by the share broker Merril Lynch contained 6450 words - and attracted more than 10,000 responses. Similarly, a 800-word press advert placed by the Mercedes has long title: "You give up things when you buy a Mercedes Benz 230s Things like rattles, rust and shabby construction .." They credit this ad with the increase of water from 10,000 the previous year to 40,000 during the year, which ran ads.
......Fourth, the research shows time and time again that it is advertising that looks like editorial gets five times more people to read than the one that looks like an advertisement. Enough said. What are your ads look like?
...Fourth, the research shows time and time again that it is advertising that looks like editorial gets five times more people to read than the one that looks like an advertisement. Enough said. What are your ads look like?
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