Trenutni američki predsjednik Barack Obama na čelu političke najučinkovitiji reklamne kampanje je svijet ikada vidio. On je postavio nove standarde i ona će biti zanimljivo vidjeti hoće li budućnost kandidata u SAD-u i inozemstvu može pobijediti.
Wherever there is a choice there is political advertising campaigns. Some states do not allow for paid political advertisements on radio or TV or even newspapers. Political parties are limited to posters on lamp posts, political rallies and on-street campaign. However, there are a number of countries that allow political advertising paid for with different rules and results.
......South Africa vs USA
...South Africa vs USA
......In South Africa, which allowed political advertising on radio and TV for the first time in the build up to 2009 general elections, family relations can not pay for or sponsor political ads. They must be paid to the party. In the U.S., however, private companies and organizations can pin their colors to the mast by donating or sponsoring political ads.
......In the U.S., ads can also champion of the party and the candidate is fully subjective. In South Africa a more objective approach is needed. Customers have the right to express its mission, vision and goals, but may not be advantageous in comparison with the opposition parties or engage in slander and guerrilla marketing. advertising
......downside is that the goal with access to radio ads come across as drab and boring. Granted, the phenomenon is still very new and inexperienced political parties and are still experimenting with different formulas, but in 2009 ad had very little going for them.
...television advertising campaigns were much better. Advertising Agencies amazed done as ruthlessly plucked heart strings and evocative images used to great effect.
...television advertising campaigns were much better. Advertising Agencies amazed done as ruthlessly plucked heart strings and evocative images used to great effect. the most prolific political advertiser ANC - the country's ruling party. Although he refused to reveal how much was spent on advertising, it is safe to assume that it is surprising a lot. But they are also the most successful fundraising, so they can afford.
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