U siječnju 2011, bilo je oko 14,5 milijarde video potoci online. To označava porast od 31,5 posto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Tijekom studenoga 2010, video on-line su dostizanje publiku od oko 172 milijuna ljudi, s oko 35 milijarde videa su gledali online u tom mjesecu sam.
...potrošnje na online oglašavanje već je premašio 28 milijardi dolara, a to je i dalje povećati brzo, sa mnogo novih tvrtki okreće se na online video oglašavanje kao način postizanja svojih kupaca i novac potencijalno usmjerena daleko od drugih vrsta marketinga i prema online video oglašavanje umjesto. Budućnost video marketinga u vjerojatno uključivati povećane potrošnje i uporabe ovog medija.
...Online video advertising is playing an increasingly important role in the marketing strategies of many companies, small and great, and it also has begun to have any significant impact on the experience of all internet users.
...Online advertising may involve the use of video advertisements attached to the beginning of the video or as an insert advertising breaks in a similar manner to a normal television. Advertisers can also place ads on web pages with internet video.
...Online advertising may involve the use of video advertisements attached to the beginning of the video or as an insert advertising breaks in a similar manner to a normal television. Advertisers can also place ads on web pages with internet video.
......expansion of high-speed broadband and the development of new portable device for watching videos have played an important role in increasing the use of online video. Video has also begun to be included in a normal television over the Internet TV. More and more people become aware of the on-line video, and they are choosing to use it.
......so that viewers watching online video is changing. It becomes much more mainstream media. Rather than being something that people just watch when they need to take a break for a few minutes in the office, online video has become the medium through which people view the entire program and movies. This is reflected in the ratings, which is now the culmination of the weekend rather than midweek.
......so that viewers watching online video is changing. It becomes much more mainstream media. Rather than being something that people just watch when they need to take a break for a few minutes in the office, online video has become the medium through which people view the entire program and movies. This is reflected in the ratings, which is now the culmination of the weekend rather than midweek.
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