Sex prodaje, da, ali samo kada se koristi "u dobrog ukusa." Kao marketingu moramo misliti, ne samo za dobivanje kupaca pažnju kratkom roku, ali iu izgradnji branda ugled koji će dati dugoročne rezultate.
We are surrounded by advertisements that desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, we are inevitably drawn pictures scantily clad attractive men and women who are supposed to somehow inspire us to purchase the product they endorse. Of course, this attention-getting strategy is popular. But is it effective?
......We are surrounded by advertisements that desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, we are inevitably drawn pictures scantily clad attractive men and women who are supposed to somehow inspire us to purchase the product they endorse. Of course, this attention-getting strategy is popular. But is it effective?
......sexual attraction can improve your ad or commercial because it attracts the attention of the customer. It is human nature to be curious about seksu.Par long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) the type of attention than a puppy, regardless of how it can be sweet. Even women are drawn to them, perhaps with a desire to goddess like legs.
...sexual attraction can improve your ad or commercial because it attracts the attention of the customer. It is human nature to be curious about seksu.Par long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) the type of attention than a puppy, regardless of how it can be sweet. Even women are drawn to them, perhaps with a desire to goddess like legs.
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