KOMPAS.com -use of glass in the dwelling is a perfect solution incorporating light into the House. In order that the presence of glass in the optimum House, then the following facts should You consider.
1. make the 2 sides
Put the glass to the position of the two sides, for example forming the letter L of outward-looking, will give you an advantage. Sunlight can enter through the two sides.
2. For the glass into pieces
To produce of the rays and snow room, glass was divided into several parts (horizontal and vertical). Then the rays that come will not be boring or too dazzling rooms.
3. adjust with polygons areas
Application of glass should pay attention to the orientation of the building and extents fields. The directly related to the exterior to look. If you are in areas with colder temperatures, then the fields that relate to the exterior of the minimized to reduce the loss of heat.
If you are in the area with hot temperature, air-related fields in order to help cool the outdoor space is maximized.
4. Make transparent insulation
Eliminate the massive insulation and replace with transparent insulation glass. Then, the room will gain widespread imaginary and allows natural light makes a lot more.
5. lower the room temperature
With glass film or plastic sheets are always applied to the car, to apply at home will help hold the Sun's rays. Glass film will receive and reflect sunlight so that the infrared radiation is reduced.
With the rays reflected the lower room temperature, the energy for air conditioning performance reduced. This is certainly lower the cost of electricity.
6. Light but no glare
With glass block which can be used as a replacement for Windows will transmit light but not glare. Glass block help information space and reduce the use of lights.
7. do not block the light
Grating or vertical blind that was applied to the glass will shadowy space without blocking the total light that goes. Their ability to withstand the heat to 50 per cent of 100 per cent (if the blind is placed on the inside), and 85 percent of the 100 percent (when the blind is placed on the outside). (Johanna Erly Widyartanti/Serial Home)
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