učinkovito, u slučaju da se pitate ovo pitanje, postoji 90% mogućnosti možda se izgubiti sredstva koriste Facebook oglašavanje. Bitno je pratiti ne samo cijenom po kliku i CTR, ali i ono što postotak klikova su pretplate na svoje fan stranice i / ili pretvoriti u vodi putem svoje internet stranice. Facebook ima evidentiranje promjena, gdje ćete biti u mogućnosti postaviti nekoliko HTML kod za praćenje svakog vodi i prodaja. To je zapravo jako mudar pokažite na, ili možda postoji koja će se previše pogoditi funkcije uključene. Kao što je rekao prije, također želju da bi se osiguralo ste stvarno velika marketing i oglašavanje dimnjak postava, inače ćete se najvjerojatnije ipak izgubiti sredstva, iako je vaš klik kroz stopa, cijena-po-kliku, i dovesti / prodaja pretvorbe stope su vrlo dobri.
...1 Place your ads on a CPM as an alternative to the price per click.
...1 Place your ads on a CPM as an alternative to the price per click.
...CPM means cost per impression, while the cost per click is the price per click. I've noticed that as long as I am gaining a good CTR (click through ratio), and then I'll spend a little less actually setting up ads on a CPM, rather than cost-per-click.
...2 Keep clicking on Facebook.
...through what I can find out more, Facebook seems to reward entrepreneurs who, after clicking on your fan page, instead of external websites. The assessment I performed, CPC is at least 20% cheaper by sending traffic to my web site Fan Web. In case you do, just make sure you setup fan site for the production of lead and guide people through the access you want to follow them.
...3 Manage your ads only in a few days and then stop them.
...3 Manage your ads only in a few days and then stop them.
......Inside the tests I conducted, using the click charges (CTR) is almost always reduced soon after the first 1 day ad goes live. When the CRT is going down, CPC increases. My thought with this is the fact that your target market is getting repeated exposure to the same ad more than you need, making it less likely to click on it. Although the type of pain, I have noticed that the best strategy for preserving my Facebook advertising costs in order to continually produce new versions of the ads with pictures and headlines that keep my audience intrigued by my message. Unlike the removal of ads, they just stop and think about them, beginning a month or two after the first line to launch them.
......Monitor real hard right, following the go live, as you will get very clear information within a few hours that regardless of whether an ad can be a 'keeper', which means that the CPC is beneath.30 cents.
......Facebook Advertising Costs: I understand that if I make or lose dollars
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