će ovo djelo u svim slučajevima? Ne, ali to je najbolje napora implementacije za problem koji trenutno ograničava cijeli reklamne industrije. Buduće nadogradnje različitih proizvoda poslužitelj oglasa može popraviti, ali za sada, ovo je najbolje što se može učiniti s obzirom na jedinstveno ograničenja. To omogućava izdavačima da imaju nekakav pouzdanosti oko geotargeting u svojim mobilnim inventara.
age of the smartphone is upon us, where it is now more than half of all mobile users 18-34 have a phone with advanced features, including Internet access and some kind of higher-resolution screen. Smartphone substantially phones packed with computers, and many services which include GPS or some other kind of place-defining feature that can be set by the user at least the city or metro level. With the proliferation of iPhone and Android-driven phones on the market for key demo-age group, there is great demand from advertisers to target customers through this service and use them to banner ads (320x50 normally) that are relevant to their immediate location. If you target someone based on their immediate area, it is known as geotargeting.
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