JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — simple flats belonging to Developer (rusunami) raise the selling price in the semester II-2011. This occurs because access roads began to improve.
PT Bakrie Pangripta Loka, for example. The company was already raising the selling price of the Eastern Residential Areas by 10 percent. Thus, the current price of rusunami Eastern Areas ranging from Usd 180 million to Usd 450 million per unit.
According to Dicky Setiawan, President of Bakrie Pangripta, the company raised prices because some of the access road to the Centre of the East improved.
"New Openings Cakung-Cilincing toll JORR would grow around a commissioned officer. From there is already close to the Centre of the East, "he explained, Wednesday (24/8/2011).
Rusunami built since 2009 is composed of six towers. In the first stage, the the Blazt OBD build three towers containing 1350 units.
Currently, the the Blazt OBD Center completes construction phase two with an investment of Rp 200 billion. On the construction of phase two, the the Blazt OBD build three towers containing 850 units. Bakrie intend launching Centre East stage two on Oct.
Dicky sure, launch phase two of the Central East will demand sweet. The reason for this is rusunami, not far from the Office of the Mayor of East Jakarta. In addition, the offing bu transjakarta routes Pulogebang-Jatinegara will operate.
Then, near the center of East Central also built a Modern Pulogebang Terminal. In its plan, the Centre has planned East Tower 17 standing on the land area of 12 hectares. Up to five years, the Centre of the East is expected to have the 5800 unit apartment.
PT Duta Paramindo Prosperous also raise the price of the apartment d'Green Scouts. d'Green is a rusunami which consists of two towers contain 2,000 apartment units. Currently, Ambassador Paramindo was developing a third tower contains 1,000 units.
To build a third tower, Ambassador Paramindo was allocated Rp 700 billion investment. Setiyabudi Hadiono, Manager of public relations Ambassador Paramindo, detailing, last year the company melego d'Green with the maximum price of Usd 160 million per unit. By the middle of this year, Ambassador Paramindo melego apartment d'Green for Rp 140 million-Rp 280 million per unit. The sale of phase one was up to 83 percent.
Setiyabudi predict the price of the third tower up to Rp 300 to terkerek per unit. Although prices rose, Setiyabudi sure the third tower can conduct is entirely up to the end of the year later.
"Because access is great. Workers easy access to many points, "he said.
According to Setiyabudi, d'Green can be accessed from Tanjung Priok through Cempaka Mas and from the East Jakarta through the bypass. Similar to the Centre of the East, d'Green is also targeting to build 16 towers in the coming five years. (Maria Rosita)
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