KOMPAS.com -logically, good quality paint is definitely made of quality materials that the price is also necessarily different. Then, it's good we did consider the old idiom, ' there's a price, there are often pronounced ' goods merchants.
In addition, the additional substances (additive) which is the more complete of course would make the price of higher and perfected so quality paint. For example, in the case of the subtlety of cat, the ability of the cover fractured hair, the ability to clean the stain, paint coatings, as well as the suppleness of the ease of application.
Minimal quality paint has four functions that must be owned, of which spread power, power close, easy in pengaplikasiannya, and safe for the health of the environment.
Indeed, the higher the quality of the paint, it will be more expensive. The fourth chapter, in addition to the above subject matter, quality paints will have added value such as durability against inclement weather, anti-fungal, not fade away (anti fading), easy to clean (washable), can close the cracked hair (hair line crack cover) as well as additional fragrances (fragnance).
Cat should also be safe. When choosing a cat, for example, we have to choose which contain ingredients that are non-toxic and safe for human health. In addition, the paint must be environmentally friendly, odorless, and contain levels of VOC (Volatile Organic Compound).
VOC are organic volatile at the time the paint was applied and interferes with respiratory tract when inhaled. The paint companies usually have a certificate of Singapore Green Labelling have met the standard for quality test and apply the standards of the VOC, eco-friendly not only applied to their products, but also applied to the production process at the factory to the processing of discharge are audited regularly by the Ministry of the environment.
Well, ready to choose paint for the new look of your home on holiday?
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